
Windows 10 Build 19559开始推送:ARM64设备支持Hyper-V

Windows 10 Build 19559开始推送:ARM64设备支持Hyper-V

BUG修复方面的内容主要有,某些情况下简中、繁中、日语输入法不显示候选框;退出包含.heic或RAW文件的文件夹时,资源管理器崩溃;删除某些.tif文件时资源管理器挂起;Win+方向键挪动窗口时,丢失像素;事件查看器崩溃以及某些Insider会员遭遇显示“KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED”报错的绿屏等问题



  • We fixed an issue with the IME candidate window for East Asian IMEs (Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and the Japanese IME) not opening sometimes on recent builds.

  • We fixed an issue that could result in explorer.exe crashing when backing out of folders containing .heic or RAW files.

  • We fixed an issue that could result in explorer.exe hanging when attempting to delete certain large .tif files.

  • We fixed an issue resulting in the top few pixels of a window getting clipped when using WIN+Up and then snapping the window to the side using WIN+Left/Right).

  • We fixed an issue resulting in Event Viewer crashing when selecting certain events recently.

  • For any of our Insiders using an arm64 device, such as the Surface Pro X, running Enterprise or Pro edition, you’ll now be able to see and install Hyper-V features.

  • We fixed an issue resulting in some Insiders experiencing a green screen in recent builds with error KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED.


  • BattlEye and Microsoft have found incompatibility issues due to changes in the operating system between some Insider Preview builds and certain versions of BattlEye anti-cheat software. To safeguard Insiders who might have these versions installed on their PC, we have applied a compatibility hold on these devices from being offered affected builds of Windows Insider Preview. See this article for details.

  • We are aware Narrator and NVDA users that seek the latest release of Microsoft Edge based on Chromium may experience some difficulty when navigating and reading certain web content. Narrator, NVDA, and the Edge teams are aware of these issues. Users of legacy Microsoft Edge will not be affected.

  • We’re looking into reports of the update process hanging for extended periods of time when attempting to install a new build.

  • We’re investigating reports that some Insiders are unable to update to newer builds with error 0x8007042b.

  • We’re looking into reports that some Insiders are unable to update to newer builds with error 0xc1900101.

  • East Asian IMEs (Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean and the Japanese IME) may be missing from the language/keyboard switcher (e.g. opened by Windows key + Space key) after upgrading from 20H1 Build 19041 or lower builds to Windows 10 Insider Preview build (19536 or later) if you have multiple languages/keyboards added. We are investigating the issue. In the meantime, please remove and re-add any keyboards that are missing from the keyboard switcher by going to Settings > Time & Language > Language > Preferred languages. It doesn’t happen if you updated from build19536 or later.

  • The Documents section under Privacy has a broken icon (just a rectangle).

  • We’re investigating reports that certain devices are no longer sleeping on idle. We have identified the root cause and are working on a fix for an upcoming flight. If your device is impacted, manually triggering sleep should work (Start > Power button > Sleep).

  • WSL Issue 4860: Some Insiders are experiencing this error message when using WSL2: A connection attempt failed on Windows. Thank you if you were one of those who reported it on the previous flight—we have a fix ready which will be including in an upcoming flight.

  • There’s an issue in this build where if you bring up clipboard history (WIN+V) and dismiss it without pasting anything, input in many places will stop working until you reboot your PC. We appreciate your patience.


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